Saturday, March 29, 2008

I see... Stairs!

Well, here i am again, back in buisness...
Hmm.. what have happend recently?
Well, not much really.. Just been chilling abit, was and visited my friend Shalynda earlier this week.
We roleplayed, and i helped him out with some addons for WoW.
Also, ive watched the movie: "meet the sparatans" It sucked... Really much.
Well, I laughed about.. one time in the entire movie, but still... i expected more of it.
Hmm.. what else has happend? Oh, i became GM on the Server im currently playing on... It's fun to help people out, and add new things.

Today i awoke around 05.12... When my Father got out to work.. and he complains that im noisey when i get up in the mornings, well.. it sounded like a elephant dancing outside my room.
So, around Six i got up from the bed, and made some breakfast and turned on the computer and talked with some friends. ( I got friends all over the globe, so there's always someone i can talk with! )

Hmm... Anyways, Next week im going back to school, it feel's kinda good to go back again... ive had enough of resting time now.

That's all i got to say for today... and also:
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.
George Burns (1896 - 1996)

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